Friday, July 12, 2024

Sharing the Knowledge Sharing

Show and Tell

I took the opportunity to watch all of the VoiceThreads that were submitted for the Knowledge Sharing/Tracking assignment. It was so interesting to see the different approaches to the assignment.  Previously, I wrote a blog post about not having work samples provided in this class.   To me, the variety of approaches demonstrated for this assignments is the benefit of not sharing samples before students turn in an assignment.  To be honest, this assignment did provide two samples. I was only able to open one of them and I didn't even notice it until I was up to my eyeballs in my own assignment and didn't want to change my work at that point! 

Pink shared her experience with Linkedin.  This is still a very new platform for me and although it was one of our tools I still have a lot to learn about Linkedin.  

Sarah Michael Trupiano shared a Padlet about College Life.  I was unable to leave comments on this VT, but I thought it was very nicely done.  Sarah mentioned possibly sharing it on Linkedin in the future, which maybe because of inexperience with the platform, is not a place I would have thought to share something like this.

Kenia shared her project on Health and Wellness using TikTok.  I was interested in hearing how she played with different posts to see what would attract the most viewers. The screenshot with the blurry picture has a significantly lower number of views, which does make sense.  Unless you are like me and are curious about WHY it's blurry so you have to check it out! Ha! The analytics slide really makes it clear why people use TikTok to advertise. I was unable to comment on this VT also, but I'm wondering if the content was all posted on one day or was it spread out over two weeks? Interesting that they took a post down for not having proper citation.

Bridgette did a thorough job of explaining curation, collection, and sharing.  The facts and analytics were all clear and easy to understand.  I was hoping for a screenshot of the Padlet, but I'm going to track down in her blog!

I like the way Sihan Jian used a variety of the Padlet tools on her padlet. The topic...such a hot button issue right now. There's so much content to sift through, a one stop shop is a great idea! There was good information about intellectual property here.

Danica's project was very relevant to my own interests. It was a good reminder for me that I NEED to get more connected on there. I'm curious was the phone screening interview?  

Sharla presented a neat presentation about Pinterest. Curious what you thought about the business account? I did convert my account to a business account for this project, but I'm going to switch it back. By the way, I did the same thing to get some engagement with my board! Teenagers will do almost anything for homemade cookies!

Denise created a well-organized presentation showing how she shared knowledge about trail shoes and zero-drop shoes and then tracked what was shared.  She shared a different artifact to three different platforms and compared results. I'm curious to know how the three artifacts would compare if they were all shared to all three platforms.  I know this is not possible because you can only share videos on YouTube, but how would that same video do Pinterest or Instagram?

Lauren shared TeachersPayTeachers. I used this site as a homeschool mom and she's right, it is a life safer! I was impressed with the analytics available for sellers.  There are several homeschool moms who use TPT for income, but they do keep a blog and update it frequently.  Lauren, have you thought about tapping into the homeschool market? I'm not sure if your webquests are written for groups or individuals, but if an individual student can complete the activity, tag it with homeschool (if that's still an option, it's been a while since I've been on TPT). So many TPT activities are not good for an individual student so as a homeschool mom I specifically searched for homeschool friendly activities.  Just an idea.

I am so impressed with the projects from my classmates and I loved being able to share about knowledge sharing!


  1. My interview went well! Since then, I have had a 1:1 interview with the hiring manager and will have a panel interview with some of the team sometime this coming week ◡̈ Thanks for asking~

    1. Congratulations! I'm cheering you on and can't wait for the post that says "I got the job!"
