Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Social Butterfly Challenge

Talk about hands on experiential learning! It took me a while to fully embrace the Social Butterfly Challenge this week, but I did it! The first part of the challenge was to comment on three different peer blogs that I have not previously commented on.  Easy enough, I really do enjoy reading the blogs each week.  Micah blogged about teens and social media and as a mom to two teens this is something that is always on my mind.  Lauren blogged about how she handles her role as a school counselor in this digital age, from teens and social media to parents as digital immigrants.  Finally, Jen wrote about networked relationships and I was able to connect with the idea that social media does not impede personal relationships as many think it does. 

The second part was to engage with people in two other spaces. This was quite challenging for me.  Not so much the talking to strangers part, but finding someone I wanted to engage with in a different space was the hard part. I looked all over X, but anything that I found interesting was old and I didn't think there'd be much engagement. I found some interesting things on LinkedIn which was a new experience for me.  


I left comments for some classmates on their Instagram posts.  I found the #eme6414 posts and looked through all of those. I was a little confused by one that said they were doing a challenge, but I could not find that challenge anywhere in the class materials. Then I realized the date was not current! I thought this post by lottaskaos was funny.

    I accidentally learned that my Instagram account must be linked to my Facebook account because I was getting notifications from my FB account that people were liking/commenting on my post. I clicked over to see what post everyone was suddenly interested in and it was the one for this class.  That led to some interesting discussion.

Photography is one of my hobbies and it works out well because I'm able to take tons of pictures at my son's swim meets. His friends like to post the pictures on their Instagram pages for college recruiting for and other kids to see.  Recently, they have followed me and I had to laugh when these teenagers were liking my homework post today.  Do they just automatically like everything they scroll by?

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